Caterpillar or butterfly?
There are a lot of ways to see a reflection!
It could be a body of water. It could be a mirror. It could be a photograph.
It could be an ugly worm that crawls or a beautiful insect that flies.
It could be a manger in a stall or a cross on a city dump.
When you look, what do you see?
Water is fluid and in motion, so sometimes the reflection is wavy almost distorted.
A mirror is crisp and still, just a glance at that time!
A photograph captures the moment, of setting and glare.
Caterpillar or butterfly?
Sometimes what you see is not who you really are!
The question is where will I find the best reflection?
Did you look in that manger? Have you tried Calvary?
There is no better place to see a reflection! Your reflection!
Several years ago I wrote a poem on what I saw when I looked in the mirror and stared into my own eyes. "A Reflection of Myself" witnessed to my spirit. Thank You!